Monday, November 18, 2013

5 reasons why I want Richard Sherman on MY team

Stanford Grad, All-Pro Cornerback Richard Sherman is-well- polarizing. He's a loudmouth, arrogant, physical cornerback who can, and will, dominate any receiver in the league. The problem: he isn't afraid to let ya know it. He's a more talented version of former Raven, current Eagle, Cary Williams. The difference between him and every other chippy corner, he can back this talk up better than Nick Foles can back up Michael Vick right now.

The first reason you want Sherman is obvious, he's the best in the league. In two seasons and eleven games, Sherman has 16 interceptions, 4 forced fumbles and countless angry opponents. He achieves something not many can, he cuts the field in half. Wanna be a stupid quarterback? Throw it to Richard Sherman.

The second reason requires no words:

Any man bad enough to go toe-to-toe with a 320 pound offensive tackle and say "do it then, boy" to his angry "I'm gunna punch you in the f****** face" is somebody who I want on my team, but the fact that he had the audacity to laugh three seconds after recieving the haymaker would make "hypothetical GM version of me" willing to trade an entire draft for this superhuman defensive back.

The third reason:

You might think Richard Sherman is ignorant judging by his on-the-field antics, but you'd be wrong with that assumption. Mr. Sherman has an undergraduate degree in Communications from Stanford University. Sherman's good friends? They include Andrew Luck, the newest golden boy of the NFL. He has been quoted using words such as "perspicacious" and "vernacular" in interviews- so yeah- he's no dummy.

Number four?
He proudly identifies himself as a member of the "Legion of Boom" and while the nickname is badass in and of itself, he backs it up. Sherman isn't just a great cover corner, he's not just a perfectly physical guy on the edge in addition to great trash talking skills- Sherman will hit ya, and he'll hit ya hard.

Number Five:

He doesn't give a damn about what anyone thinks about him. During super bowl weekend, Sherman took a stroll through New Orleans with a camera crew, asking unsuspecting fans who was better "Revis or Sherman" as countless fans unknowingly told Sherman that he was "on that adderall" and "a pumpkinhead" he laughed and waited for his moment.

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